A Summer stay at Hove (poem)A pebbled beach that glints like broken glass. It suits me just fine. The sun, reluctant to leave, lingers until ten, painting the sky in…Feb 1Feb 1
An agnostic’s prayer for self-healingI hail my inner space of potentiality that makes me curious, wonderous and a seeker of a higher self I invoke the healing power of my mind…Nov 12, 2024Nov 12, 2024
प्रेरणाप्रेरणा. एक तरह से देखा जाये तो प्राचीन नाम माना जायेगा। या लोग एक पढ़ाकू लड़की की कल्पना करेंगे। मैं जब पहली बार उससे मिला तो उसके एक हाथ…Nov 8, 2024Nov 8, 2024
The Potent Dream (short story)At 9 pm, Avantika entered her office. There was an air of tranquility as it was Friday evening. She worked for an offshore facility of a…Sep 15, 2024Sep 15, 2024
Rimsha (A short story)Rishabh got up from his bed. There was a subtle hint of a faint sunlight hovering over the windowpane. He had a dream. He and Rimsha were…Sep 11, 2024Sep 11, 2024
The fragility of TrustOne of the most fragile elements of human relationships is Trust. It is more freewheeling, naughty and haughty than one can imagine…Aug 19, 2024Aug 19, 2024
What heals you is next to youSince the renaissance period, the human beings have evolved continuously to look at things that add meaning to their lives. Arts, poetry…Jul 19, 2024Jul 19, 2024
Compassionate and truly democratic Marxism: Is it rational?Communism fell apart in the former Soviet union like a pack of cards and overnight the ideologically driven (or we presumed so) communist…Jul 11, 2024Jul 11, 2024